Pregnancy yoga Merseyside

Pregnancy Yoga in Merseyside
Pregnancy is an enormously joyous experience - but it can also be an intense and, at times, overwhelming journey. A yoga class designed around your unique needs, health goals, and experience can help you prepare your body and mind for the birth-giving journey.
From raising body awareness to focusing on breathwork, and strengthening the muscles needed to facilitate natural birth, yoga classes can help you throughout your pregnancy journey.
At Prema Yoga, yoga teacher, reflexologist, and Bowen Technique practitioner Rosemary has nearly 40 years of experience in helping mums-to-be to find their focus, strength, love and compassion.
Classes Designed Around Your Needs
Just like pregnancy, yoga is a journey - and one that is different for every single person. That is why, here at Prema Yoga, we strive to create a yoga experience that is tailored to your unique needs and goals.
Following your doctor or midwife's approval, your yoga teacher will create a program designed to help you make the most of this wonderful experience. From learning how to deal with the discomfort that might come from a changing body, to acquiring the foundations of breathwork to relieve the pain of birth-giving, yoga classes provide an all-around support system for your pregnancy journey.
Tailored Yoga Classes for Pregnancy and Health
Yoga movements, asanas (postures), and breathing techniques can offer unparalleled benefits throughout each stage of life. But this mindful practice can be even more beneficial in a magical and yet overwhelming moment as a pregnancy. When led by an experienced and trained yoga teacher like Rosemary, pregnancy yoga can offer endless advantages, including:
Improved sleep
Reduced stress
Lowered anxiety
Reduced lower back pain
Improved nausea and headaches
Easier breathing
Increased strength
Improved flexibility
Improved strength and endurance of the muscles involved in childbirth
Unsure what to expect from your first yoga class? Make sure to book a consultation with Rosemary to learn whether this discipline is for you and what to expect from the journey ahead.
Dedicated Care and Individual Attention
At Prema Yoga, our mission is to create a safe and comfortable place for every single woman. That is why we have built a small niche studio and only organise small classes. This allows us to give each participant full dedicated care and individual attention.
Involving only approved exercises and movements, pregnancy yoga classes in Merseyside can help women understand the basics of relaxation and breathing techniques, soft stretches, and muscle building.
Thanks to the assistance of a specialised yoga teacher, you can be better prepared for the end of your pregnancy and avoid some of the most common complications, including varicosities, back pain, swelling, insomnia, and stress.
Pregnancy Yoga in Merseyside
At Prema Yoga in Merseyside, our goal is to help you build the confidence, strength, and endurance needed to facilitate natural birth and make the most of the wonderful journey you are on. Whether you prefer to join one-to-one tutorials, small classes, or larger yoga groups, Rosemary has the experience needed to help you enjoy the best yoga experience for your pregnancy journey.
Please contact Rosemary at or phone 0151 494 1082/07875 578223 to book your spot.

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